
Free download diablo reaper of souls
Free download diablo reaper of souls

free download diablo reaper of souls

  • You can edit \db\CurrentSeason.txt if there’s a new season before a new editor release.
  • Able to paste Tier Quality to selected items, exactly like pasting a Rare Name to selected items.
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    Able to duplicate 1x, 10x, or 50x in one click instead of spamming the old button.Support for toggling every possible item flag in the game.Primal Ancient items are marked with an asterisk (*).Sanctified items are marked with a plus (+).Note that you can only have one Sanctified item equipped at a time.Support for editing the Sanctified item flag, which only works during Seasonal play.When testing the database of 60k strings, another editor took 41 minutes to launch… but v4.2 launches instantly!.Instant responsiveness: tasks and threading implemented by Goob圜orp.Incredible performance: launches and loads saves in a fraction of the time of all other editors, with massively reduced RAM usage.Every single GBID (8,334), Affix (7,352), and Rare Name string (115,669) in the game.Exclusive features found only in this editor:

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