
Obduction steam download free
Obduction steam download free

As you explore you will be introduced to 3 Realms – each with secrets and mysteries to reveal.

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In addition to The Adjunct, you are joined by a mysterious apparition, who has a story of her own to share with you. Additionally, Firmament includes many “comfort level” features for both new and experienced VR users DISCOVER THE STORY Employing the Adjunct to solve the puzzles you encounter will bring you ever closer to unlocking the secrets this place holds. This Adjunct is your interface as you interact with the various devices throughout the Realms of Firmament. You carry with you a device called an “Adjunct” as you explore.

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The world of Firmament feels completely plausible as though it were constructed with a bigger purpose in mind… A purpose you will be compelled to discover as you play.

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